Systems Thinking for Transformative Change (webinar)

by | Nov 20, 2018

This webinar is part of Scrum Alliance® Certified Agile Leadership learning series.

Culture change is free – comparison of systems leverage points for transformations

Culture of an organization often gets blamed for lack of transformation success. In this session you will learn how to take systems view of organization transformation. In organization systems, points of leverage are powerful because a small shift in one thing can produce big changes in everything. As a consequence the higher leverage points resist changing.

Direct attempts at changing organizational culture do not work, they often lead to many haphazard attempts at behavior change. And do not result in lasting transformation within organization. Many leaders attempt to shift organizational behavior and neglect underlying structures that give rise to dysfunctional behavior.

By comparing and contrasting different systems leverage points, this session will draw distinction between leaders actions and more importantly mindset towards organizational transformation. Introduction to various systems thinking models with colorful examples from real world coaching situations will help you to think through your transformation challenges and learn why culture change is free, when you replace willpower with knowledge.

Systems Thinking for Transformative Change

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