Empower Self-Managing Team

This canvas a great resource for accelerating agile team performance. The Self-Managing Team Canvas is a proven tool for leaders to create empowered self-organized product teams.
We have used the Team Self-Managing Canvas in our team coaching efforts to grow teaminess.
Teaminess is not a dictionary word yet 😉
Teaminess refers to a feeling of being one in effort, behavior, and communication toward achieving shared purposes.
The Large Scale Scum (LeSS) Framework and the Scrum Framework considers Self-Managing teams critical for agility.
For teams just starting or seasoned groups that have lost their mojo, the Self-Managing Team Canvas is a practical guide that supports positive engagement with managers. Unlike working agreements alone which are internally facing, teaminess requires active management of forces outside of the team’s control.
How do we use the Self-Managing Team Canvas?
The Self-managing Team canvas is developed through multiple iterations of working with teams in agile contexts. And as such, it is created via bottom-up tinkering and iterations to fit for applicability in real situations.
Team growth is a dynamic process that folds and unfolds on interaction with its environment. A team is influenced by and, in return, also affects its organization. This dynamic is continuous, and the alternative to team growth is stagnation or attrition. Therefore I recommend that your team revisits this canvas every two to three months so that your team continues to be mindful of changes in your environment.
This canvas will help you recognize where to channel your continuous improvement energy and grow your teaminess.
We strongly recommend that you use this canvas’s elements to generate dialogue with your team members, managers, and the organization. Your conversations around the different sections in the canvas are more critical.
Review the recording of the Growing Teaminess conference talk and find out how to use this helpful resource.