Hudson Bay Start
So that before finally launching into the unknown one could see that nothing has been forgotten
“…Then they sent the expedition team a short distance in their canoes to camp overnight. This was a test. The first camp was merely a “pull out”, commonly called for many years as “Hudson’s Bay Start”…”[This was] very necessary so that before finally launching into the unknown one could see that nothing has been forgotten..” – article by Eileen Strider, Sticky Minds , July 31, 2001
Try this … Hudson Bay Start
Before diving head first into a large important project, test your team’s ability to deliver the tiniest of end-to-end value to customers.
Can your agile team develop, test, and deploy a simple “Hello World” feature into your production environment?
What can be learned about your organization’s systems, infrastructure, policies, and procedures by attempting to release a minor feature?
Avoid this.
Rushing headlong to start on a sizeable important project only to discover then, often too late, that the team lacks the necessary skill sets or infrastructure, and the organization systems (policies & procedures) impede meaningful progress.