A Best Practice is a collection of tools/techniques/approaches/methods that deliver desired results effectively and efficiently when applied in a prescribed order. "Best" in the term "Best Practice" implies that there is no further room for improvement, ever!...
Our Blog
Articles to read and share in your journey toward becoming a learning organization.

Def: Velocity is the amount of estimated product backlog that a team can fully implement to meet the team Definition of Done within a given sprint [time-box]. The amount of product backlog in the definition above is often expressed in terms of "story points" or "ideal...
Barber Shop – Product Backlog grooming
Most of us have to pay a visit to the scissor man/lady every couple of months. Others who don't have to or choose not to, I envy you. As a kid, my visits to the barber shop were scary ritual. The thought of someone using scissors, clippers and other sharp pointed...
My excuse
My wife and I are blessed with a beautiful baby girl. She came to our world in the month of August. Since then blogging has taken a back seat. Over this period I have felt stretched on time to do some meaningful writing. It was my assumption that blogging would be...
Sharing Values, a team building exercise
A few months ago, I was facilitating sprint retrospective for a multi-cultural team that had members of different national origins (UK, South Africa, Angola and United States). We started gathering information regarding their first sprint. I realized that this team...
What is Definition of Done (DoD)?
DoD is a collection of valuable deliverables required to produce software. Deliverable that add verifiable/demonstrable addition of value to the product are part of the definition of done. Such as writing code, coding comments, unit testing, integration testing,...