In previous article, I outlined three fundamental characteristics of waterfall system. Phase-gates are the most distinguishable characteristic of a waterfall organization. Recap on Phase Gates Phases are are strictly linear sequence of activities to build a product or...
Our Blog
Articles to read and share in your journey toward becoming a learning organization.

Trapped in Wagile (Part 1 of 4)
Organizations attempting to transition to Agile demonstrate waterfall characteristics - residually or resurgently. Understanding these characteristics and learning to observe manifestation of these tendencies in organization systems will help you uncover impediments...
Healthy Product Backlogs
Healthy Product Backlog: Customer immediately understands every item in the product backlog. These are commonly useful good practices to get your product backlog in healthy state. Try these, your mileage may vary: (1) Customer goal oriented product backlog items....
Distributed Agile Simulation
Simulations reveal ones default behavior. I have learned a lot about myself and my default settings when I have participated in simulations. Shout out to AYE conference, PSL workshops and may other excellent learning opportunities that have immersed me in...
Coaching Smells
“Hi, I’m a coach and I am here to help” My spine stiffens and I can feel my hair on back of my neck. “Thanks, K” I respond tepidly K: “I have been promoted, I am now your coach. I will do what it takes to help your team” Me: “we need all the help we can get” ‘When...
Kanban Exercise
Kanban at its essence is a signaling device that instructs the moving or creating in a "pull" based system. Kanban when applied within a system enables synchronization between the rhythm of demand (customer) and rhythm of production...
CPR Technique for Impediments
CPR - Categorize, Prioritize, Resolve: Impediments This is simple mnemonic that aids me to be methodical in my approach towards uncovering and resolving issues that impede progress. Categorize: How do you view your world? Lack of any impedence means your team is in a...
Panchal’s Directive
The proliferation of job titles in an organization encourages the diffusion of responsibility and dilution of vision. Panchal's Directive provides a guide to the number of different titles in an organization: take the square root of the number of people in the...
Hierarchical Amplification
Consider one of your peers or subordinates or juniors some one at the same level as yours or below. Lets name him Jerry. Next time Jerry or some one like him/her requests for a non-trivial action from you, reflect on how your thinking, processes this ask. It is my...
Poem Scrum Master
Oh Master of Scrum, You make our team hum You take obstacles away So we can work all day With you we are greater than our Sum! - By Bilyana, Joel, Nicole & Kiran This poem was created by class participants, thanks for making this a great...