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Agility Quick Tips, Case Studies, Trainings
April 2025
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Articles to read and share in your journey toward becoming a learning organization.
Shared Leadership and Alignment
“Not to innovate is the single largest reason for the decline of existing organizations. Not to know how to manage is the single largest reason for failure of new ventures.” - Peter Drucker. Drucker uses the keywords innovation and Management to describe the core...
Three Scaling Agile Maxims
My Three Scaling Agile Maxims Nail it before you scale it. Stitch it to flip it. Fake it, and you won’t make it. Here's why? Nail it before you scale it. Do you know what good looks like? What will be fit for your organization’s purpose? Don’t get impatient and try...
Comparing Agile Scaling Frameworks
Scaling Agile Framework is relevant when multiple teams must continuously integrate their work efforts to deliver customer value. The core challenge all frameworks must address is how they expose, manage, and resolve dependencies. The dependency management mechanisms...
Surviving IT Project Cost Overruns: Portfolio Strategies & Digital Transformation
IT projects are notorious for going off track and costing much more than estimated. But how bad can it get? Following is a sobering quote from the book “How Big Things Get Done” by Prof. Bent Flyvbjerg and Dan Gardner “My database revealed that information technology...
Coaching Tenets
Situational awareness can enable Agile leaders to empower others to problem-solve If the situation is about:- a knowledge gap, then teach;- a skill gap, then mentor;- an options gap, then consult;- a personal growth gap, then coach. I don’t always coach, but when I...
The Agile Manifesto Principles Explained
I started my agile journey twenty years ago. At the time, I was a Java programmer and a UML modeler, and I lucked into working in an XP team. Joining an experienced XP team was uncomfortable at first. The practices were very different from what I was used to. Kent...