The Certified Agile Leader 2 (CAL 2) course emphasizes developing your agile leadership skills. You will deepen your knowledge of agile leadership through hands-on activities and self-assessment assignments. You will develop a personal action plan to build on your strengths and lead with integrity.
Courage is the only leadership virtue that cannot be faked, and this course will equip you to lead authentically and improve your world of work.
Agility as a concept is the talk of enterprises’ board rooms, but the systems needed to align people, resources, and capabilities to achieve an enterprise’s strategic objectives are lacking. Making the changes necessary to become nimble in a business environment of uncertainty requires agile leadership skills. You know that strategy without execution is just a dream. Join us to discover how you can develop leadership skills to realize your ambitious personal and enterprise goals.
The art of leadership can only be learned on the foundation of authenticity. If you fake it, you will not make it. We have helped managers and agile practitioners in enterprises overcome obstacles to personal growth and develop their personalized leadership style. Excellence is an outcome that can be learned. Let us show you how.
We recommend that leadership teams take this course together to develop a shared understanding of measurement and alignment systems necessary for the continuous improvement change journey ahead. This course explores the dynamics of risk-taking and strategies for influencing systemic organizational change required for leading knowledge workers.
This is the only course that integrates systems thinking and complex thinking practices to enable resilient learning organizations. To develop these skills, you will engage in real-world case scenarios and group challenges.
Effective management and leadership are essential for organizational success.
While managers operate existing systems, leaders change these systems to align team and managerial activities and achieve the enterprise’s vision, mission, and values. Influential leaders make a lasting impact on the enterprise’s culture, people, and systems. The ability to lead in times of complexity and fast change is a vital management skill. Join us to find out how.
This course covers topics that meet Scrum Alliance’s CAL-2 learning objectives and goes much beyond the course’s base expectations.
Answers to some of the commonly asked questions from our students
For leaders who value ongoing personal growth. Participant leaders will develop advanced Lean and Agile leadership competencies and increase their effectiveness in leading knowledge workers in complex and rapidly changing business environments.
Leadership is required at all levels within the organization. This workshop is designed for managers and people who want to guide team and organizational development toward becoming learning systems. Participants come from diverse backgrounds in industry and life experiences. Typically,
To qualify for CAL 2™ certification, you must be CAL 1™ certified.
You can transfer to a different date for the same course at no extra charge.
Your fees will be forfeited in case of a no-show.