In Defense of Immutability of the Scrum framework

In Defense of Immutability of the Scrum framework

Imagine a stencil. It leaves the insides open to your implementation. You can place your stencil on paper, color the interiors, make intricate patterns, or trace along the boundary. The outcome holds the same shape regardless of the fill you choose to put. Similarly,...

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The Self-Managing Team Canvas

The Self-Managing Team Canvas

In our team coaching efforts we have used the Team Self-Managing Canvas to grow teaminess. Teaminess is not a dictionary word, yet 😉 Teaminess refers to a feeling of being one in effort, behavior, and communication toward achieving shared purposes. For teams that are...

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Ask Don’t Tell – Dance of the Scrum Master

Ask Don’t Tell – Dance of the Scrum Master

Hi! I'm Natraj Kaushik. I recently attended an Advanced Scrum Master Certification course facilitated by Evolve Agility. I have been working on scrum teams for about fourteen years. Over the years I have been a development team member, Scrum Master, Product Owner and...

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Scrum Master stances

Scrum Master stances

Here are Scrum Master stances. Although default stance for a scrum master is to be in service to their scrum team. Where in she is identifying and removing impediments to serve their team. By improving organizational systems so that impediments do not recur they serve...

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Poem Scrum Master

Poem Scrum Master

Oh Master of Scrum, You make our team hum You take obstacles away So we can work all day With you we are greater than our Sum! - By Bilyana, Joel, Nicole & Kiran   This poem was created by class participants, thanks for making this a great...

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