Summary of takeaways from Geoffery Moore’s book, Crossing the chasm. Since its first publication in 1991, it has been a canon for marketing and sales decision-making in product management.The groups in the technology adoption cycle represent a unique psychographic...
In Defense of Immutability of the Scrum framework
Imagine a stencil. It leaves the insides open to your implementation. You can place your stencil on paper, color the interiors, make intricate patterns, or trace along the boundary. The outcome holds the same shape regardless of the fill you choose to put. Similarly,...
The Conflict Escalation Ladder
Disagreements are not conflicts. Disagreements are a healthy part of a collaborative dynamic, but conflicts are not. The critical outcome is that people strengthen their relationships as they work through disagreements, whereas the result of the conflict is that...
Leadership stances for problem-solving
Leaders influence problem-solving abilities of others by teaching, mentoring, consulting, and coaching.
The Self-Managing Team Canvas
In our team coaching efforts we have used the Team Self-Managing Canvas to grow teaminess. Teaminess is not a dictionary word, yet 😉 Teaminess refers to a feeling of being one in effort, behavior, and communication toward achieving shared purposes. For teams that are...
Agile leadership skills
Three essential Agile Leadership Skills Agile leaders maintain an environment of trust and support that is necessary for healthy team dynamics. Especially with all of us working remotely it is more important than ever to step up and lead differently. These are the top...